Purchasing and Suppliers

It is the system responsible for suppliers through the documentary cycle of procurement with giving adequate reports on all aspects of procurement activity and supplier data with its interconnection and integration with the rest of other systems such as warehouses, documentary credits and general accounts.


Advantages of procurement and suppliers


Flexible procurement cycle

Powerful Procurement Management System

The possibility of relying on purchase invoices

Possibility to know the last purchase price

More Purchasing and Supplier Features

The accounting program includes many features and options, we will show you a group of them so that you can make sure
that the options of this program match your business requirements and your administrative system.

  • The existence of a documentary procurement cycle characterized by flexibility and high ease of entry and editing of documents.
  • A powerful system for managing purchases from requests for quotations and then comparing quotations submitted by suppliers, then the purchase order, then purchase invoices, and then returns.
  • The possibility of knowing the last purchase price and the last purchase date at the same moment of purchase.
  • The possibility of relying on purchase invoices, then receipt vouchers, or vice versa.
  • Reports and comparisons of purchases at the supplier or item level with a current period with a previous period.
  • The possibility of comparing purchase orders and purchase invoices and knowing the items that were supplied and those that were not.